The Fringe father-and-son duo of John Noble and Joshua Jackson will tweet during the show’s Thursday rerun (@FringeOnFox), while on Friday, Glee’s Kevin McHale and Lea Michele will tweet a director’s cut of the show’s pilot (@GleeOnFox).
Fox will run a scroll of the commentary of these tweets, so you don’t have to be on Twitter to read the feeds – they’ll be right there on your TV.
I’m almost seduced by this idea. Almost.
On a Glee-related note, Columbia Records will release multiple soundtracks from the upcoming first season of the show.
Glee: The Music, Volume 1, featuring cast covers of songs by artists from Neil Diamond to Kanye West, will be available on Nov. 3. The Glee cast’s cover of Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’,” from the May pilot, was an iTunes smash.
Photo: Boston.com.
Update: And in more Gleeful news: We have us a track list for the first Glee soundtrack!