Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Lance Confessed

He did it: Lance Armstrong doped.

And that noise you hear is the sound of millions of fans turning their backs to the guy, a little in hurt and a lot because they’re refocusing their attention to...Oprah.

Yeah, that’s right. Oprah.

That’s because O scored once-proud Armstrong’s mea culpa yesterday. His two-part interview – taped after the disgraced athlete visited the HQ of his former foundation, Livestrong, to apologize to his old colleagues and staff for everything he had put them through – will air on OWN on Thursday and Friday.

And it promises to make the guy hot again, although not necessarily in the good way.

Oh, how the mighty has fallen.

I wonder if hell do Dancing with the Stars in a couple of season to rehab his image....

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