Friday, January 18, 2013

Y’ See, Ryan Gosling – You’re Hot

Ryan Gosling doesn’t get the big fuzz people make when it comes to his eye-catching bod.

Well, allow me to explain, Ry: You are pretty friggin’ perfect.

Your arms, your chest, your like-they’re-Photoshopped abs – they are the s---. They make everyone lusty and jealous, myself included.

I’d hate you if weren’t such a gosh darn cool cat.

So I love you.

Ah, but do y’all think the sexy, talented actor buys the hype that surrounds him for a second?

Not. At. All. (He is way too modest for that.)

“Anyone can get those if they work at it. It’s just a lot of exercising. And it’s really quite pointless, because you go to a gym and you lift a heavy thing so a muscle grows, but the only thing the muscle can actually do is to lift that heavy thing,” the Gos recently told Australia’s Herald Sun“After a while they’re like pets because they don’t do anything useful. But you have to feed them and take care of them otherwise they’ll go away.

I feel a bit goofy having them.

Don’t, dude. They totally suit you. And they are useful. They help draw attention to your personality. Which is, in the end, what makes you the total package.


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