I heart how she multitasks.
And how she can go on and on and on….
And so an outstanding fourth season of the most intriguing show on TV ends. The Emmys had better reward the work of the entire cast and crew this year.
Photo: ABC.com.
It sure pays off to be an F.O.S., huh.
Photo: DreamWorks Pictures.
To tidy us up, though, there’s a featurette on the incredible fashions costume designer Patricia Field chose for the production making its way around the Internet.
Click here to check it out and die of sartorial envy.
Photo: New Line Cinema.
Mr. Ritchie, on the other hand, can be such a sourpuss sometimes. Cute, but a total sourpuss.
Photo: DrownedMadonna.com.
Loving that idea.
Do it, and see my booty get down, right.
Photo: StyleFrizz.com.
Then she became a Stepford Wife. (Hey, everyone says so.)
To prove that she can still play other parts, Holmes soon will head to Broadway to star in Arthur Miller’s All My Sons.
The play depicts the tragedy of a man who knowingly sold defective plane parts to the government during World War II, and has to face the truth when his son wants to propose to his business partner’s daughter.
John Lithgow, Dianne Wiest, and Patrick Wilson will co-star.
And so, a star is re-born. Break a leg. (Hey, that’s just a saying.)
Photo: OrlandoSentinel.com.
Photo: ShinyMedia.com.
Update 2: Do you want to know what CBS is expected to have on its schedule for the new TV season?
Update: 3: It might be time to catch up on Reaper, after all. The CW has renewed it and Gossip Girl – yay! – for a sophomore run.
Update 4: Fox has announced its schedule for fall…and it’s making mentally re-arrange my own.