Yes, there were plenty of meaningful moments – my heart all but sunk, deep, when Sawyer --m-ed --- the chopper; I rejoiced when Desmond and Penny were ---n----; and when Ben passed the torch to Locke before moving the Island, well…I felt for the leader of the Others, a man who describes himself as “one of the good guys.”
There was no fan-panic-inducing cliffhanger, though – no Big Tease to see us through the eight long months that will transpire before the fifth season premiere. A more fitting parting shot would have been seeing the mysterious Island vanish in front of our eyes. Where? When? How?
Instead, we found out who was in the coffin at the funeral home Jack visited at the end of the third season.
At least the pieces are in place for next year, and perhaps this is a good thing.
But I don’t feel lost for the first time in the history of the show. And that’s sad because it means the end – in 2010 – is near, and, presumably, all of Lost’s answers will be found.
And so an outstanding fourth season of the most intriguing show on TV ends. The Emmys had better reward the work of the entire cast and crew this year.
Photo: ABC.com.
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