Monday, July 08, 2013

Oh, High Stakes and Men

Do not mess with Ben Affleck when he’s gambling.

I seem to remember som’in’ about the Oscar winner reportedly having a bit of a problem with gaming a while back, and, if I’m not too mistaken, that’s why he checked into Promises once upon a time. I think poker was his poison, which – combined with the booze that usually accompanies the high-rolling games to which any decent card player like him would attend in Hollywood or Vegas or whathaveya – eventually made for an unfun situation for him.

All this to say that Affleck probably had something to mine from for his role in Runner Runner, a thriller co-starring Justin Timberlake and Gemma Arterton opening on Sept. 27.

In the movie, JT plays a pretty-much-broke college wiz who cracks the trick behind an online poker game, right. But when he loses it all, he arranges a get-together with the man he thinks cheated him outta his winnings (Affleck), becoming entangled in seductive-at-first-but-nevertheless-dangerous web of offshore conspiracy and all that good stuff (Anthony Mackie also appears in the movie, as an FBI agent).

So even though the Goliath-like guy Affleck plays is of the school of thought that the house always win, you know Timberlake’s character’s just not gonna take it and go all David on his ass.

Betting peeps, wager who will win this one among yourselves.


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