Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How She Met Her...TV Career?

Dude, what…is she doing?

Golden Globe nominee Greta Gerwig – one of my picks for Best Actress last year, for her work in the indie darling Frances Ha (which she had a hand in writing) – has sold out.


I mean, at least that’s what the hipsters are gonna say.

Why? Because Gerwig has booked the lead on How I Met Your Dad, the “kindred-spirit spin-off to TV’s How I Met Your Mother.

How very Zooey of her, huh.

The actress will play Sally, a directionless, Peter Pan-esque young woman on the brink of divorce with her husband of less than a year who surrounds herself with friends and family that often offer advice that sounds better than it actually is for her.

Alright…so there might by interesting nuances there, and I can see how the powers that be are keen on this girl. She has an expressive face and a pair of puppy eyes that communicate loads from one moment to the next.

Good. OK…sold. Said this fan of Gerwig’s. I shall give the pilot a fair shake and take it from there.


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