Wednesday, February 11, 2015

M’s Not Joan or Arc (But I Love It)

So Madonna followed up her cheeky appearance and performance at the Grammys last Sunday night with the release of three more songs off her upcoming Rebel Heart album a couple of days ago.

Among the tracks that M dropped on us? A song called “Joan of Arc” that became an insta-fave of mine.

Sure, the ditty’s just a little self-indulgent in that it’s also a bit of an oh-poor-me-I’m-a-world-known-superstar meditation, with lyrics about how every time they take a photo of her M loses a part that she can’t get back or how she wants to die every time they write a hateful word because they’re dragging her soul into the dirt. (They would be the paparazzi, the media...and, maybe, just maybe, her adoring subjects/public, always asking more/better from their Queen.) But it is also Madonna at her most romantic.

It’s easy to dismiss it whenever Madonna says she’s a hopeless romantic, but the truth is she is, and it’s songs like this – songs that showcase her voice accompanied by a guitar (can’t wait to see her perform this on road!) – that remind us that hiding underneath all of the glitz and glamour lies a simple girl from Michigan looking for love in all the wrong places.

Take a listen:

Rebel Heart is due out on March 10.

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