Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Into the Maze

The luminous Patricia Clarkson, one of my faves, is going to co-star in The Maze Runner.

That would be the young-adult novel by James Dashner – just like every other YA work out there, it, too, is getting done up for the silver screen.

Clarkson’s role in the post-apocalyptic movie opening next Feb. 14 is described here, in case you wanna remain unspoiled, but suffice it to say it is pretty key.

Yeah, one of those.

The Maze Runner centers on a group of amnesiac boys led by Dylan O’Brien from MTV’s Teen Wolf, who wake up every day, rise from a rusting elevator into the middle of a grassy glade, and try to find their out of tremendous stone maze that is made to change shape on the daily by the force of an unseen intelligence that enjoys watching them try to escape.


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