Monday, June 03, 2013

Can’t Be Tamed, Can’t Stop

Miley’s back, y’all!

At last. I thought that supposedly engagement-to-Liam Hemsworth-endagering new record of hers was an urban legend, but it’s not, and the proof is We Cant Stop.

It’s a huge departure for La Cyrus, an R&B party jam in which she sings about things like dancing with Molly and shaking it like she’s at a strip club.

Alrighty then.

I’m totally excited about this – seriously. Miley Cyrus has been working hard to break off from her Disneyfied persona, and girlfriend is succeeding.

And the best part is she seems to be in control of her image. Sure, it’s a bit cavalier to be so obvious about it, what with the little short shorts and the risqué magazine spreads and all that stuff. But I believe  it when she says, “I feel like I can really be myself [now].

Coming from someone who cut her teeth in Hannah Montanaville, that is a big statement.

Every Disney kid who ever was seemingly goes wild when they leave the Magic Kingdom. Has anyone ever considered that the House of the Mouse is just too cookie-cutter and puts these boys and girls in these simplified, hard-to-maintain boxes?

Methinks not that much, no.


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