Let’s see...there was the hellish high school experience, the whole business of dying (for the first time), the boyfriend who changed on her after they did the deed, the rogue slayer with boundary issues, the college experience that was by no means easier than school, the god with bitch issues, that whole thing with the dying a second time, the drama with her BFF going all dark, and the all-out war against the original evil.
And that was just when we used to see her on TV.
As Joss Whedon continued telling her story in comic form, the Buffster experimented with girls and, ultimately, destroyed the seed of all magic in the world.
Now, as she carries through Season 9 of her story, Buffy’s facing her greatest challenge yet: the possibility of becoming a mother.
And now, a Spoiler Alert!
I say she faces the possibility of motherhood because, in the end, the slayer decides there is no way she can have a baby.
I know, right?
Note to self, yet again: I have got to get my hands on this comic for once and for all.
Photo: EW.com.
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