Attention, Sex and the City fans: A sequel to the successful movie adaptation that came out earlier this year is in…“the negotiation stage.”
“When I finished [the first one], I didn’t have a thought in my head about a sequel,” said writer-director Michael Patrick King (pictured at right with Sarah Jessica Parker).
But, EW.com reports, King says that all changed once the film, which earned $153 million domestically, screened worldwide.
“It doesn’t feel done to me at all. It feels like it generated a whole new burst of enthusiasm for these characters. I thought if I could come up with a really fun, worthy story it would certainly be a great chance to do it again.”
While he won’t divulge any scenarios for the film, the SATC mastermind hints at a milieu: “It’s always nice to see the girls in the summer.”
Photo: New Line Cinema.
1 comment:
Not a thought in his head.
That thought had been in his head the whole time. Just not at that exact moment. "W"
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