I saw Hairspray last night, and I don’t know if it’s because I was tired or if it’s because the movie’s not that good, really, but I was bored out of my skull.

Song after song, though, well…that’s a different story.
I have to admit I’m not familiar with the Broadway show upon which this movie’s based – because it is based on the Tony Award-winning production, right? Or is it based on the 1988 John Waters cult classic about star-struck teenagers on a local Baltimore dance show?
Urgh, I don’t know – and worse, I don’t care to find out to be clear.
To be fair, the movie did make me smile, and it amused me at times. But it didn’t excite me until the final musical number, “You Can’t Stop the Beat,” and that’s because I knew Hairspray was almost over.
Everything’s not lost: I adored newcomer Nikki Blonsky, whom I thought was just tremendous as Tracy Turnblad, the big girl with the big hair, the big voice, and the even bigger heart. Blonsky looked so happy to be in the movie, I couldn’t help but to feel happy for her.
I also loved Amanda Bynes’ coquettish turn as Penny Pingleton. For about two thirds of the movie I thought director Adam Shankman was just going to have her there sucking on a lollipop, but he finally allowed her to shine in the home stretch, and she didn’t disappoint.
I was equally impressed by Elijah Kelley, who as Seaweed, outperformed and outcharmed Hollywood’s latest It Boy, Zac Efron, who is no Shia LaBeouf – don’t let the current cover of Rolling Stone fool ya. Kelley, I declare, is the next Will Smith.
I couldn’t talk Hairspray without mentioning John Travolta or Michelle Pfeiffer.
Travolta does a job thing with the dancing and with the singing – to a certain extent – but he just looked too prosthetic. Pfeiffer, meanwhile, can do no wrong. I’m so glad she’s back on the silver screen, and you bet I’ll catch Stardust this weekend, and you better catch her upcoming I Could Never Be Your Woman.
My Rating **
Photo: New Line Cinema.
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