Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Sound of a Hopeless Place

Rihanna couldn
’t hold it.

The video for her ebullient new single, We Found Love,” that is, so she dropped it today instead of later this week.

The clip, which co-stars rumored RiRi beau, boxer/model Dudley O’Shaughnessy, tells a bit of a dark story (about a couple that’s clearly not all that great for each other...I mean, they’re smoking and partying and popping pills), which contrasts the lyrics of the song in a way.

“We’ve never done a video like this before,” said Rihanna (pictured here on set). “This is probably one of the deepest videos I’ve ever done. It’s all about love and love being like a drug. You definitely get that from this.

Mmm...we all know girlfriend has some experience with that kind of relationship, alright, so she sings what she knows, I guess.


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