Georgia Rule probably should have the disclaimer that appears in the preface of books or at the end of most films written over Lindsay Lohan’s face in its poster – Any resemblance to real-life people or events is purely coincidental – for all eyes are on Lohan and her character in this Garry Marshall-directed movie.

Grandma, the teen knows, had a contentious relationship with Lilly. Upon arrival – and after strutting her sunny Californian self around town and quickly establishing her status as trouble in the process – Rachel dares her to try and “jerk me around.” It’s a dare Georgia meets with a surprising, “Go f--- yourself.”
That’s the kind of matriarch Georgia is; she lives by a number of unbreakable rules, demanding anyone who comes to her home respect them. She suffers no fools, so perhaps she will be the influence Linds…I mean, Rachel needs.
You see what just happened there: I confused actress with character. And let me tell you, it isn’t so much a distraction that the line is blurred, what with Lohan’s shenanigans infamously chronicled in the tabloids. It’s because of the parallels that are drawn, seemingly, between the two. It’s because this movie is a little more personal, in a way. It hits the teen queen’s home somewhat close.
Georgia, saddled with looking after her granddaughter, will require each patient breath she takes to understand Rachel's fury. When the truth finally rears its ugly head, you’ll want the young woman to be saved from her demons…and from herself. This applies to Lohan, too, IMHO as a fan.
Rachel has good reason to be troubled, and you will be hard-pressed not to feel for her. But what’s Lohan’s damage? Will you feel empathy for Rachel, since the distinction between actress and character has been weakened so much?
I mentioned the performances a moment ago. They are strong as can be, and quite layered. But expectations are so high – or low, depending on your point of view – that I cannot help but want to save Georgia Rule from itself as well. Would it be too much to ask you to give it chance?
I have inevitably and predictably mentioned what happened and continues to happen with Lohan’s life off screen. How could I not, given the nature of her character. But cut me some slack – everyone’s doing it. I at least kept it 50-50.
My Rating ***
Photo: Universal Pictures.
1 comment:
Can Lindsay do wrong in your eyes? I ask in all seriousnes. Can you really write about her, without bias, if you "heart her so"???
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