Monday, February 12, 2007

Controversy, Schmontroversy

Alright, so last week was all about Lost coming back, tube-wise, but this week...this week (and next week, for that matter), it’s all about Grey’s Anatomy, bay-bee.

I mean, Lost roared back, indeed – we’re going to revisit the original castaways real soon, people! Kate finally remembered how to kick butt! and Juliet and Jack will continue to outwit, outsmart, and possibly outsmart each other for a little while longer! – but nothing could have prepared me for the goodness that the hospital drama had in store last Thursday with the first of a three-episode story arc.

And that ending…. It was the most Oh. My. God moment of the season. It beat the nuclear explosion of 24 a few weeks ago, it was that big a jaw-dropping cliffhanger.

When TV is this good, who really cares about the behind-the-scenes non-nonsense (which, certainly, deserves to be addressed…just as long as it doesn’t affect my stories, OK).


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WHAT are you talking about? Grey's is pulling such a STUNT because it's SWEEPS!