Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Just Because, Pt. 9

I have been thinking about one of my favorite on-screen kisses, which can be found in the underrated Great Expectations, starring Ethan Hawke and Gwyneth Paltrow.

Hawke’s character, Finn, is all grown up and living in New York. He’s wearing a paint-stained, grey T-shirt and jeans and has stopped at a water fountain in a park to have a drink.

The camera closes in on his open mouth, and as he drinks, Paltrow’s Estella waltzes in, wearing a fantastic green ensemble – Donna Karan, if my memory serves well; I used to read In Style – and plants one on him.

I think it’s the sexiest thing, and you can watch it here (the kiss comes in at the 2:53 mark).


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