Thursday, September 29, 2011

He Holds the Key

Come Christmas, we will get an on-screen pairing we never knew we should’ve seen ages ago: that of Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock.

The Oscar winners are co-starring in Stephen (Billy Elliot, The Hours) Daldry’s adaptation of Jonathan Safran Foers 2005 novel Extremely Close & Incredibly Loud. Which, trust, looks super-good.

They play the parents of a gifted boy (newcomer Thomas Horn) who sets off to unlock the secrets held by a mysterious key left behind by his father (Hanks), who died at the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.

His quest leads him to touch the lives of a number of people, including Viola Davis, James Gandolfini, and Max von Sydow. And to weave a story that will surely have us reaching for a hanky.

Can’t wait, really, especially because Daldry has yet to disappoint.


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