Boston Legal’s up for Best Drama, but not Lost?
Not a one nomination for either Gilmore Girls or Veronica Mars…not even for hair or makeup? I know the former had a rough last season due to a creative leadership change behind the scenes, but come on – snubbing Lauren Graham (pictured, at right), yet again and for good this time, is Madonna-in-Swept Away bad. And ignoring the latter and its Kristen Bell, well…that’s a mystery only the teen-aged sleuth ever could solve. Too bad she won’t be on the case anymore.
And how will the nominations committee sleep tonight knowing they’ve ignored the fantastic work of Grey’s Anatomy’s Ellen Pompeo and Patrick Dempsey? Or that of Lost’s Matthew Fox, Josh Holloway, Evangeline Lilly, and Elizabeth Mitchell?
If Emmy had wanted to celebrate what is truly outstanding about television, then she would have revised her list of nominees. I'm not the only one who thinks so.
There’s more I could pick on, but alas, that won’t make a difference. So I’ll enjoy what I got – and quietly champion what I didn’t. Much like I always had to do with Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
The Emmys will air on Sunday, Sept. 16, on Fox.
Photo: EW.com (Gilmore Girls).
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