Friday, October 03, 2014

Charisma Copycat Alert!

No need to call Olivia Pope: This is just one of those actors-having-fun situations.

Scott Foley has been helping Charisma sells towels and sheets for a while now, right...often all shirtless and s---, sometimes with an assist from cute puppies.

It’s a good thing.

Wanna know what else is also a good thing (a very good thing)?

The struck of genius that was Foley asking Tony Goldwyn, his co-star from TV’s Scandal, to recreate his most recent ad for the company by getting all shirtless and s---, too, to strike a pose of his own with an adorable pooch.

And all for our enjoyment, since the Felicity alumnus posted the pic on Instagram.

Swoon for Fitz! (You know you like to.)


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