Wednesday, October 20, 2010

On the Loop

Ben Affleck is going paranormal.

The actor-turned-director (have you seen The Town yet?) is circling an adaptation of Replay, a Ken Grimwood novel (which I have read!) that’s been in slow development since...the late ’80s.

To be fair, although I thought it would make quite a movie (I even envisioned Daniel Craig in the starring role), I knew it would be a tough nut to crack, so I can see how Hollywood hasn’t yet.

Replay revolves around a 45-year-old man who has a fatal heart attack while trying to prevent the murder of a jogger in Central Park. Instead of moving on, however, he is stuck in a “replay” of his life beginning at age 18 in Brooklyn.

With his knowledge of the future, he changes his life and builds a financial empire, only to die again at age 45. The loop continues for several gos, but, eventually, he and the jogger meet and fall for each other and struggle to break the cycle of their repeating lives.


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