Thursday, May 24, 2007

Riveting Television

I raced home last night not only to watch Lost’s “
dizzying” season finale – what is going on over there? and do we really have to wait until next February to find out what happens next? – but also to watch yesterday’s episode of The View, which featured an epic – I know, big word – fight between Rosie O’Donnell and Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

Oh. My. Gosh. It was sooo good; you can read a summary of the whole thing here, but I’ll say this much: O’Donnell had it coming. And she didn't like it one bit when it was her on the receiving end of a forceful argument.

She’s pushed her co-host for quite some time now, and like puppy beaten with a stick, Hasselbeck bit back. Hard.

O’Donnell totally picked the fight. Hasselbeck, whose point I very seldom half-see, was talking apples with Joy Behar when O’Donnell decided to talk oranges.

The fight escalated so that the producers decided not to cut to commercial, in spite of Behar and guest co-host Sherri Shepherd’s efforts to diffuse the tension, and split the screen between the political adversaries.

And you know what? I loved every second of it. I loved that Hasselbeck told off O’Donnell, I loved that O’Donnell totally didn’t see that coming, and I loved that the cameras kept rolling. Because Hasselbeck was – gasp! – in the right; she defended herself and told O’Donnell not to hang up her “
rhetorical question” on her. She totally did. And the whole thing has earned her a little bit of my respect.



Anonymous said...

completely disagree. She has Anne Coulter disease and is a total imbecile for supporting the way in any way whatsoever. plus, she was too stupid to realize that it was not about her stupid politics, but was personal. The Trump comments were low-blows and embarrassing. The conservative pundit reaction - "we've silenced her" - is disgusting. What joy in silencing a woman's voice. No Elizabitch did not get it right.

This was probably strategic on her part - she could now run to Fox News and secure herself a nice little contract...

Anonymous said...

meant war, not way

Anonymous said...

we killed all 650,000 Iraquis? We strap bombs on and try to blow up women and children? We have been directly targetting the civilian population?
Rosie's implication was that we are as guilty as the terrorists, a common leftist theme going back to the 60's.
When it comes to defense of the United States the left has no stomache for it unless it involves killing Christians and anti-government types such as the women and children of the Branch Davidians.